
The PILLAR project was a collaboration between the INSPIRE lab and HEALTH-X Lab at Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada. All authors contributed to the conceptualization of the website and manuscript. This project was supported by a network pilot grant from The Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (FRQS-RBIQ) and a Multidisciplinary Research Grant from the PERFORM Centre. MF is supported by the Fond de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ – Chercheur boursier Junior 1).

The contributors to the PILLAR project:

  • Meagan Anstruther
  • Tongwei Zhang
  • Terrance Liang
  • Bianca Rossini
  • Yiming Xiao
  • Maryse Fortin

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Please cite the following article when using the PILLAR Project resource:

Anstruther, M., Rossini, B., Zhang, T., Liang, Terrance, Xiao, Y., Fortin, M., PILLAR: ParaspInaL muscLe segmentAtion pRoject - a comprehensive online resource to guide manual segmentation of paraspinal muscles from magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 24, 909 (2023).